Ellahi Estates unconditionally acquired a virgin site in May 2003 situated in a prominent location within the West End of Wolverhampton. The existing site accommodated a fully tenanted 1960s flat complex with ancillary car parking facilities and garages, with residential development potential. A planning application was submitted in June 2003 to Wolverhampton City Council to demolish the flat complex to develop a luxury apartment scheme consisting of studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Detailed planning consent has now been granted for a part 3/4 storey building providing 22 luxury apartments, and demolition works have started immediately.
Ellahi Estates acquires dated residential properties in need of refurbishment, with potential to create a residential investment.
Ellahi Estates acquires a mixed use retail/residential investment for a Birmingham based private investor. The investment property is situated in a prominent location within a close travelling distance from Junction 7 of the M6 Motorway. The investor plans to undertake an extensive re-furbishment programme to increase the investment value of the buildings.
Ellahi Estates acquires a residential refurbishment scheme within close proximity of Dudley town centre.
Ellahi Estates unconditionally acquires a virgin plot of land adjacent to a Morris Homes residential development within close proximity of Dudley Town Centre. The site has residential development potential for detached house dwellings.
Ellahi Estates disposes of a mixed use retail/residential refurbishment opportunity to a private locally based purchaser. The existing dilapidated property benefits from planning consent to extent the structure to provide retail use on the ground floor and residential apartments on the upper floor.
Planning approval was granted by Wolverhampton City Council to undertake the development of a luxury townhouse scheme, comprising of 3 Victorian houses in the leafy West End of Wolverhampton. Construction began in December 2001. Construction of the development was completed in October 2002 and D B Roberts & Partners estate agents in Wolverhampton were appointed as sole selling agents. The luxury development is now fully sold.
Ellahi Estates & Associates acquired Cambray Works for a local motor salvage company based in the Black Country, West Midlands. The circa 30,000 sq ft freehold industrial complex is situated close to Junction 1 of the M5 Motorway and comprised predominantly of dilapidated two-storey Victorian-era brick built workshops. The purchaser plans to re-develop the site for their own commercial use.
Ellahi Estates acquired a warehouse facility for a Birmingham based clothing manufacturing Plc. The circa 22,000 sq ft freehold unit is situated in a prominent location just off Junction 2 of the M5 Motorway. The purchaser plans to re-develop part of the site to provide a showroom and office accommodation.
Ellahi Estates disposes of their residential development site situated at Milking Banks adjacent to a completed Crest Nicholson residential development. The site benefited from detailed planning approval for a luxury detached house development scheme, comprising of 8 4-bedroom houses: 6 of which benefit from an integral garage design and the remaining 2 with external garage designs.
Ellahi Estates · 3rd Floor West · Coniston House · Chapel Ash · Wolverhampton · WV3 0UD
Tel: 01902 427 143 · Fax: 01902 427 058 · E-mail: info@ellahiestates.co.uk